If you want to make sure that your or your family member’s assets can be protected from a potential future need for long-term nursing care, you or your loved one must sign a “Medicaid Planning Compliant” General Power of Attorney document (“MCPOA”). The MCPOA will serve to […]
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Due to the potentially fatal nature of the coronavirus, trust and estate attorneys have been inundated with requests to provide clients with estate planning documents, including Wills, Financial and Medical Powers of Attorney and Living Wills/Advanced Directives. However, in the age of physical and social distancing, it has been difficult for attorneys to meet with their clients. For example, many seniors, especially those with medical conditions, are complying with stay-at-home orders and are limiting their exposure to other people. Some clients are in nursing homes where no visitors are allowed.
Read more →During the Coronavirus outbreak, many of you are at home and have the rare opportunity to devote time to updating your will and estate planning. The Coronavirus health impact has reminded us all of our fragility and the need to have a plan in place. However, I am sure […]
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